Home / Return & Refund Policy
Please scroll down for English version 本條款適用於瀏覽或使用本網站的人及單位,請於使用本網站前仔細閱讀本條款及細則。瀏覽或使用本網站的任何部分或下訂單時,即表示用戶已閱讀本條款細則,並承諾接受它們及受其約束,並自行承擔任何後果。 ■ 一般條款 -所有預訂產品均需收到本店確認電話回覆,並全數支付後方可作實 -預訂產品交貨時間從訂購作實日期起計算 -所有貨品以港幣計算,並以訂購時所示為準 -除因產品質素問題,基於食品安全理由下,所有產品提貨/發送後不設退換 -如有任何疑問(如產品供應,取貨日期或其他特殊要求等等),歡迎聯絡本店查詢清楚後方作訂購 本店擁有處理下列項目及情況的最終決定權 - 更改貨品的成份、款式、展示、造型、包裝、規格及價錢,並毋須另行通知 - 接受或拒絕訂單,及其處理方式 - 對已確認訂單提出的任何額外要求(包括但不限於加減,改更或內容等) - 閉店前未獲領取的產品會視作客戶放棄論不設退款 ■ 退款處理 - 所有信用卡退款會先由銀行/支付服務供應商扣除4.1%手續費後再退回餘款。恕不另行處理。 - 退款處理時間以銀行/支付服務提供商的處理為準 下列情況下不設退款及替換 - 預訂產品訂單確認後 - 因未獲領取而被本店處理之產品 - 已提取且無質素問題的產品 ■ 個人資料 - 客戶向本網站提供的任何個人資料,將收集作為處理訂單、付款和身份認證、送貨、營銷及紀錄用途。 ■ 免責聲明 1. 本公司及其僱員、承辦商及任何第三方服務供應者不對下列事宜作出陳述或保證:  - 本伺服器或任何其他伺服器所儲存或取得的所有資料 (下稱「有關資料」) ,包括但不限於其完整性、質量、運作、使用、準確性、時效,或對任何目的之適合性或用途 - 透過本網站或根據有關資料索取、提供或獲得之任何產品或服務 - 瀏覽本網站或有關資料時不受干擾,或資料正確無誤,或有關資料不含任何電腦病毒、不受竄改或不會任何破壞性  2. 客戶或使用者不可就本網站與其有關資料作為任何依據。本公司對客戶或使用者因依據、使用/不能使用有關資料,或使用/不能使用本網站而蒙受的任何間接或直接的損害、損失、責任、費用或開支,概不承擔任何責任。   3. 本網站相關服務供應商,或第三方供應者可能與其他全球資訊網上之網站或資源連結,本公司無法控制與管束, 4. 本網站資訊及內容以香港特別行政區為基礎範圍,未必符合其他地區的需要、規範、實際情況與法定要求。 5.  不可抗力 倘若由於任何「不可抗力」的原因(包括但不限於由火災、傷亡、意外、天災、任何香港特別行政區政府或其任何機關的法律、命令、宣告、規例、要求或規定、罷工、勞資爭議、勞工短缺或技術工人短缺、產品或原材料短缺或缺乏供應、運輸延誤或任何其他在本店合理控制範圍以外的理由(不論是否與前述理由相似)),導致本公司不能履行其在本網站或訂單的責任,本店在該等妨礙的範圍内無須就此承擔任何責任。  6. 條歡及內容更改 - 本條款、網站內容、有關資料、展示產品與其內容將不時更改而不會作出公告及另行通知。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These terms & conditions are applicable to those who browse or use this website. Please read these terms and conditions carefully. When browsing or using any part of this website or placing any orders, the user agrees that they have read these terms & conditions and promises to accept them and their constraints and bear the responsibility of any consequences solely. ■ General terms - All pre-order orders require our call of confirmation and paid until they are treated as confirmed orders. - A pre-order lead time is calculated from the date the order is confirmed - All products are calculated in Hong Kong dollars and are subject to the price shown at the time of order. - Except for product quality issues, no refund or exchanged after delivered/picked-up due to food safety concerns. All sales are final. - If you have any doubt or questions (such as product supply, pick-up date or other special requirements, etc.), please don't hesitate to contact us before ordering. We have the right to the final decision on the following events: - Change of ingredients, styles, displays, shapes, packaging, specifications and prices of the product, and without any prior notice. - Accept or reject any order, and its handling. - Any additional request to a confirmed order (such as add, remove or change to order requirement but not limited here). - Products that have not been picked up before the store closing will be seen as a forfeit and with no refund. ■ Process of refund - All credit card refunds will be deducted 4.1% by the bank/payment service provider as handling charge and with no otherwise processing - Refund process time is subject to the bank/payment service provider's handling. No refund or exchange in the following events: - On a confirmed order. - Products not picked up by the customer. - Delivered/picked up products that have no quality issues. ■ Personal Information Any personal data provided to this website will be collected for order processing, payment and identity verification, delivery, marketing and record purposes. ■ Disclaimer 1. The company, its employees, contractors, and any third-party suppliers do not state or guarantees the following matters or events: - The completeness, quality, operation, usage, accuracy, timeliness of all information stored or obtained by this server or any other server (hereinafter referred to as "relevant information"), or its suitability or use by any purpose. - Any products or services requested, provided, or obtained through this website or based on relevant information. - When browsing this website or relevant information, that the information correctness, or no interference, or it is free of any computer viruses, or not tampered with, or is not destructive in any way. 2. Customers cannot use the information on this website as a basis. The company is not responsible for any indirect or direct damages, losses, liabilities, expenses or expenses incurred by customers or users based on or using the relevant information or this website. 3. The service providers of this website or third-party providers may link to other websites or resources on the Internet, and the company has no control over them. 4. The information and content of this website are based on the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and may not meet the needs, specifications, actual conditions and legal requirements of other regions. 5. Force Majeure If due to any "force majeure" reasons (including but not limited to fire, casualties, accidents, natural disasters, any laws, orders, declarations, requirements or regulations of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government or any of its agencies, strikes, labor disputes, labor shortages or skilled workers shortages, product or raw material shortages or lack of supply, transportation delays, or any other reasons outside the reasonable control by us (whether similar to the aforementioned reasons)), have caused us unable to perform the work or responsibility to this website or the orders, we do not bear any responsibility for within the scope of such obstruction. 6. Change of information and policies This terms, website content, relevant information, displayed products and their content will be changed from time to time without any announcement or notice.